Script for installing WSL on Windows 10 AME
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472 lines
20 KiB

function New-TemporaryDirectory {
$parent = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()
$name = [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Join-Path $parent $name)
Workflow Install-WSL {
# The task scheduler is unreliable in AME
#Write-Output 'Scheduling task'
#$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe' -Argument "-NonInteractive -WindowStyle Normal -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command `"& { Write-Output \`"Don```'t close this PowerShell window! This is your WSL installer! Just give it a minute...\`"; Get-Job -Command `'Install-WSL`' | Resume-Job | Receive-Job -Wait; pause; exit }`""
#$logon = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtLogOn
#$task = Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'InstallWSL' -Action $action -Trigger $logon -RunLevel Highest
## Where ShortcutPath is placed is honestly an implementation detail. It will
## be run as administrator by the elevator, which is what gets run at startup
#$ShortcutPath = Join-Path $env:ProgramData 'Microsoft\Windows\Install WSL.lnk'
#$ElevatorPath = Join-Path $env:ProgramData 'Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Install WSL.lnk'
$ShortcutPath = Join-Path $env:AppData 'Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Install WSL.lnk'
if ($Cancel) {
$Removed = Remove-Item -LiteralPath $ShortcutPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$Removed = Get-Job -Command 'Install-WSL' | Where-Object {$_.State -eq 'Suspended'} | Remove-Job -Force
return Write-Output 'All pending WSL installations have been canceled.'
# establish directory for WSL installations
$AppDataFolder = Join-Path $env:LocalAppData 'WSL'
$DistrosFolder = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $AppDataFolder
$DistroFolder = Join-Path $DistrosFolder $LinuxDistribution
if (Test-Path -Path $DistroFolder -PathType Container) {
return Write-Error 'Cannot install a distro twice! This will waste your internet data. Uninstall the existing version first.' -Category ResourceExists
Write-Output 'Creating startup item'
InlineScript {
$shell = New-Object -ComObject ('WScript.Shell')
$shortcut = $shell.CreateShortcut($Using:ShortcutPath)
$shortcut.TargetPath = 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe'
$shortcut.Arguments = "-WindowStyle Normal -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command `"& { Write-Output \`"Resuming installation...\`"; Get-Job -Command `'Install-WSL`' | Resume-Job | Receive-Job -Wait; pause; exit }`""
#$elevator = $shell.CreateShortcut($Using:ElevatorPath)
#$elevator.TargetPath = 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe'
#$elevator.Arguments = "-WindowStyle Normal -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command `"Write-Output \`"The WSL installation can now be started. Please accept the UAC prompt to proceed\`"; pause; Start-Process -FilePath '$Using:ShortcutPath' -Verb Runas`""
# This didn't work.
## This is the exact same shortcut as above, but with 'Run As Administrator' set, encoded in Base64.
## [Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\Install WSL.lnk' -Encoding Byte))
## This is needed because that flag cannot be checked programmatically.
#Set-Content -LiteralPath $ShortcutPath -Value ([Convert]::FromBase64String($Base64)) -Encoding Byte
Write-Output 'There will be a "Windows PowerShell" shortcut in your startup items until this script is complete. Please do not be alarmed, it will remove itself once the installation is complete.'
Write-Output 'Ensuring required features are enabled'
# using a named pipe to communicate between elevated process and not elevated one
if ($FeatureInstalled) {
$RestartNeeded = $False
} else {
try {
# For various reasons this needs to be duplicated twice.
# I hate it as much as you, but for some reason I can't put it in a function
# It just refuses to work when I try to call it in the loop below
$RestartNeeded = InlineScript {
$PipeName = -join (((48..57)+(65..90)+(97..122)) * 80 |Get-Random -Count 12 |%{[char]$_})
$Enabled = Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "`
`$Enabled = Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux -NoRestart -WarningAction SilentlyContinue`
`$RestartNeeded = `$Enabled.RestartNeeded`
`$pipe = New-Object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream `'$PipeName`',`'Out`'`
`$sw = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter `$pipe`
`$sw.AutoFlush = `$True`
" -Verb RunAs -WindowStyle Hidden -ErrorAction Stop
$pipe = New-Object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream '.',$Using:PipeName,'In'
$sr = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader $pipe
$data = $sr.ReadLine()
$data -eq [string]$True
} -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
return Write-Error 'Please accept the UAC prompt so that the WSL feature can be installed, or specify the -FeatureInstalled flag to skip'
if ($RestartNeeded) {
# TODO detect if we're already waiting for a reboot specifically
# Maybe this can be done by checking for the scheduled task instead?
# This feels messy which is why it's disabled, and it would also detect
# the currently running task
#$Job = Get-Job -Name 'Install-WSL'
#if ($Job) {
# Write-Output 'Already waiting for the WSL feature to be enabled'
# return
# Future Logan from the future!: I think the shortcut is more easily
# detected, but there are reasons you might want to run this more than
# once in a row. For example if you are installing multiple distros
# Should work okay...
Write-Output 'Restart your computer in 30 seconds or it will explode'
# Wait for a logon where the feature is installed. This will be after at
# least 1 reboot, but for various reasons (grumble grumble...) it might
# be later. Every Suspend-Workflow is virtually guaranteed to be resumed
# by a logon, or a manual resume (which is harmless in this case).
$waiting = $True
while ($waiting) {
if ($FeatureInstalled) {
$RestartNeeded = $False
} else {
try {
$RestartNeeded = InlineScript {
$PipeName = -join (((48..57)+(65..90)+(97..122)) * 80 |Get-Random -Count 12 |%{[char]$_})
$Enabled = Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "`
`$Enabled = Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux -NoRestart -WarningAction SilentlyContinue`
`$RestartNeeded = `$Enabled.RestartNeeded`
`$pipe = New-Object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream `'$PipeName`',`'Out`'`
`$sw = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter `$pipe`
`$sw.AutoFlush = `$True`
" -Verb RunAs -WindowStyle Hidden -ErrorAction Stop
$pipe = New-Object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream '.',$Using:PipeName,'In'
$sr = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader $pipe
$data = $sr.ReadLine()
$data -eq [string]$True
} -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
# I decided that this is not always true and it would be
# rude to assume that. So I give the user a choice and allow
# them to continue without UAC
## The user accepted the UAC prompt the first time, so they
## can do it again. They cannot specify the -FeatureInstalled
## flag at this point, unfortunately.
#Write-Output 'Please accept the UAC prompt to continue installation.'
# Try to get input from the user as a fallback
$response = InlineScript {
[System.Windows.Forms.Messagebox]::Show("Admin access is required to check the status of the WSL feature. If you can no longer grant admin access via UAC:`n`nIs the WSL feature installed and enabled?", 'WSL Installer', [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::YesNo)
$RestartNeeded = $response -eq 7 # 7 is DialogResult.No
if ($RestartNeeded) {
Write-Output 'Looks like the WSL component is still not installed.'
} else {
$waiting = $False
Write-Output "`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`nWarning: The PowerShell window will display the download process for longer than usual. This is a Windows bug, and is only visual.`n"
$retrying = $True
while ($retrying) {
$tempFile = InlineScript { New-TemporaryFile }
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $tempFile
$tempFile = $tempFile.FullName -replace '$','.zip'
try {
Write-Output "Attempting to download distribution to $tempFile..."
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$LinuxDistribution" -OutFile $tempFile -ErrorAction Stop -UseBasicParsing
#InlineScript {
# (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("$Using:LinuxDistribution", $tempFile.FullName)
#Start-BitsTransfer -DisplayName 'WSL Package Download' -Source "$LinuxDistribution" -Destination $tempFile -ErrorAction Stop
$retrying = $False
Write-Output 'Done!'
} catch {
#Get-BitsTransfer -Name 'WSL Package Download' | Remove-BitsTransfer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $tempFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# PSItem is contextual and can't be read from the InlineScript
$theError = $PSItem.Message
Write-Output "Error: $theError"
$response = InlineScript {
[System.Windows.Forms.Messagebox]::Show("The WSL package '$Using:LinuxDistribution' could not be downloaded from Microsoft's servers.`n`nError: $Using:theError`n`nYou may abort the install, and restart it at any time using the wizard. Clicking Ignore will cause a retry the next time you log in.", 'Could not download WSL package', [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::AbortRetryIgnore)
if ($response -eq 3) { # Abort
Write-Output 'Aborting'
$retrying = $False
Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'InstallWSL' -Confirm:$False
} elseif ($response -eq 5) { # Ignore
Write-Output 'Ignoring'
Suspend-Workflow # Wait for next logon
Write-Output 'Retrying'
# If retry just loop again /shrug
#Write-Output 'Unscheduling task...'
#Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'InstallWSL' -Confirm:$False
Write-Output 'Removing startup item...'
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $ShortcutPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Remove-Item -LiteralPath $ElevatorPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$tempDir = New-TemporaryDirectory
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $tempFile -DestinationPath $tempDir
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $tempFile
Write-Output 'Distribution bundle extracted'
# Thought we might need to support ARM64, turns out artrons doesn't want it.
# Leaving this (and the comment) here just in case.
## This appx package contains inner appx packages for each architecture.
## This information is encoded in an XML manifest file.
## I want to use the XML manifest to find the right package, unzip that, and
## then find the executable inside.
## This allows compatibility with both x86 and ARM
#$RootManifest = Join-Path $tempDir 'AppxMetadata\AppxBundleManifest.xml'
#$Package = Select-Xml -Path $RootManifest -XPath '/Bundle/Packages/Package' | Where-Object {$_.Node.Type -eq 'Application' -and $_.Node.Architecture -eq 'x64'} | Select-Object -First 1
$theDir = $tempDir
$Executable = Get-ChildItem $tempDir | Where-Object {$_.Name -match '.exe$'} | Select-Object -First 1
if ($Executable -eq $null) {
$Package = Get-ChildItem $tempDir | Where-Object {$_.Name -match '_x64.appx$'} | Select-Object -First 1
if ($Package -eq $null) {
return Write-Error 'Could not find the package containing the installer :(' -Category NotImplemented
$Package = Rename-Item -LiteralPath ($Package.FullName) -NewName ($Package.Name -replace '.appx$','.zip') -PassThru
Write-Output "Distribution package: $($Package.Name)"
$InnerPackageTemp = New-TemporaryDirectory
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $Package -DestinationPath $InnerPackageTemp
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $tempDir -Recurse
$Executable = Get-ChildItem $InnerPackageTemp | Where-Object {$_.Name -match '.exe$'} | Select-Object -First 1
$theDir = $InnerPackageTemp
if ($Executable -eq $null) {
return Write-Error 'Could not find an executable inside the x64 package :(' -Category NotImplemented
} else {
Write-Output 'Root package contains the installer'
# this is going to have to stick around forever if the wsl install is going to stay intact
$theDir = Move-Item -LiteralPath $theDir -Destination $DistroFolder -PassThru
$Executable = Get-ChildItem $theDir | Where-Object {$_.Name -match '.exe$'} | Select-Object -First 1
Write-Output "Executing installer: $($Executable.Name)"
InlineScript { wsl --set-default-version 1 }
Start-Process -FilePath ($Executable.FullName) -Wait
# ruins the WSL install
#Remove-Item -LiteralPath $theDir -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Output 'Everything should be in order now. Enjoy!'
# We done
function Install-WSLInteractive {
$Distros = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{Slug = 'wslubuntu2004'; Name = 'Ubuntu 20.04'; Arch = 'x64'}
#[PSCustomObject]@{Slug = 'wslubuntu2004arm'; Name = 'Ubuntu 20.04'; Arch = 'ARM64'}
[PSCustomObject]@{Slug = 'wsl-ubuntu-1804'; Name = 'Ubuntu 18.04'; Arch = 'x64'}
#[PSCustomObject]@{Slug = 'wsl-ubuntu-1804-arm'; Name = 'Ubuntu 18.04'; Arch = 'ARM64'}
[PSCustomObject]@{Slug = 'wsl-ubuntu-1604'; Name = 'Ubuntu 16.04'; Arch = 'x64'}
[PSCustomObject]@{Slug = 'wsl-debian-gnulinux'; Name = 'Debian Stable'; Arch = 'x64'}
[PSCustomObject]@{Slug = 'wsl-kali-linux-new'; Name = 'Kali Linux'; Arch = 'x64'}
[PSCustomObject]@{Slug = 'wsl-opensuse-42'; Name = 'OpenSUSE 4.2'; Arch = 'x64'}
[PSCustomObject]@{Slug = 'wsl-sles-12'; Name = 'SLES 12'; Arch = 'x64'}
$Menu = 'main'
while ($Menu -ne 'exit') {
# 80 chars: ' '
Write-Output ''
Write-Output ' This script will help you install Windows Subsystem for Linux on your'
Write-Output ' ameliorated installation of Windows 10'
Write-Output ''
Write-Output ' :: NOTE: Tested on Windows 10 1909, and Windows 10 AME 20H2'
switch ($menu) {
'main' {
Write-Output ''
Write-Output ' :: Please enter a number from 1-3 to select an option from the list below'
Write-Output ''
Write-Output ' 1) Install a new WSL distro'
Write-Output ' 2) Cancel a pending WSL installation'
Write-Output ' 3) Exit'
Write-Output ''
Write-Host ' >> ' -NoNewLine
$Input = $Host.UI.ReadLine()
switch ($Input) {
'1' {
$Menu = 'select-distro'
'2' {
$Menu = 'cancel'
'3' {
$Menu = 'exit'
default {
Write-Output ''
Write-Host ' !! Invalid option selected' -ForegroundColor red
Write-Output ''
Write-Host ' Press enter to continue...' -NoNewLine
'select-distro' {
Write-Output ''
Write-Output ' :: Please enter a number from the list to select a distro to install'
Write-Output ''
$Max = 1
$Distros | ForEach-Object {
Add-Member -InputObject $_ -NotePropertyName Option -NotePropertyValue ([string]$Max) -Force
Write-Output " $Max) $($_.Name) ($($_.Arch))"
$Max += 1
Write-Output " $Max) Return to main menu"
Write-Output ''
Write-Host ' >> ' -NoNewLine
$Input = $Host.UI.ReadLine()
if ($Input -eq ([string]$Max)) {
$Menu = 'main'
} else {
$Distro = $Distros | Where-Object -Property Option -eq -Value $Input
if ($Distro -eq $null) {
Write-Output ''
Write-Host ' !! Invalid option selected' -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Output ''
Write-Host ' Press enter to continue...' -NoNewLine
} else {
$Menu = 'install-distro-confirm'
'install-distro-confirm' {
Write-Output ''
Write-Host " :: WARNING: Are you sure you want to install $($Distro.Name) ($($Distro.Arch))? (yes/no) " -NoNewLine
$Input = $Host.UI.ReadLine()
switch ($Input) {
'yes' {
$Menu = 'install-distro'
'no' {
$Menu = 'select-distro'
default {
Write-Output ''
Write-Host ' !! Invalid input' -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Output ''
Write-Host ' Press enter to continue...' -NoNewLine
$Menu = 'select-distro'
'install-distro' {
Write-Output ''
Write-Output "Installing $($Distro.Name) ($($Distro.Arch))..."
Install-WSL -LinuxDistribution ($Distro.Slug)
$Menu = 'exit'
'cancel' {
Write-Output ''
Write-Host ' :: WARNING: Are you sure you want to cancel all pending installs? (yes/no) ' -NoNewLine
$Input = $Host.UI.ReadLine()
switch ($Input) {
'yes' {
Write-Output ''
Install-WSL -Cancel
'no' {
Write-Output ''
Write-Output ' Returning to main menu.'
default {
Write-Output ''
Write-Host ' !! Invalid input' -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Output ''
Write-Host ' Press enter to continue...' -NoNewLine
$Menu = 'main'
default {
Write-Output ''
Write-Host " !! Invalid menu encountered ($Menu). Exiting" -ForegroundColor Red
$Menu = 'exit'