Windows 10 AME playbook for AME Wizard.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

51 lines
1.6 KiB

@echo OFF
cd Executables
if not exist "%~dp0\sfc.exe" (
echo. & echo No supplied sfc.exe detected
exit /b 2
if exist "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\sfc1.exe" (
echo sfc1.exe already exists, assigning permissions... & echo.
echo takeown /f "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\sfc.exe" /a
takeown /f "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\sfc.exe" /a
echo icacls "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\sfc.exe" /grant Administrators:F
icacls "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\sfc.exe" /grant Administrators:F
echo del /q /f "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\sfc.exe"
del /q /f "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\sfc.exe"
echo Assigning permissions and renaming sfc.exe... & echo.
@echo ON
if exist "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\sfc.exe" (
takeown /f "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\sfc.exe" /a > NUL 2>&1
icacls "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\sfc.exe" /grant Administrators:F > NUL 2>&1
rename "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\sfc.exe" "sfc1.exe" > NUL 2>&1
copy /y "sfc.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32" 1> NUL
takeown /f "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\en-US\sfc.exe.mui" /a > NUL 2>&1
icacls "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\en-US\sfc.exe.mui" /grant Administrators:F > NUL 2>&1
rename "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\en-US\sfc.exe.mui" "sfc1.exe.mui" > NUL 2>&1
PowerShell -NoP -C "Get-Acl '%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\diskmgmt.msc' | Set-Acl '%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\sfc.exe'" > NUL 2>&1
PowerShell -NoP -C "Get-Acl '%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\diskmgmt.msc' | Set-Acl '%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\sfc1.exe'" > NUL 2>&1
PowerShell -NoP -C "Get-Acl '%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\diskmgmt.msc' | Set-Acl '%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\sfc1.exe.mui'" > NUL 2>&1
goto complete
@echo Successfully deployed sfc modification.
@exit /b 0