Script for automating a large assortment of AME related actions
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

88 lines
3.1 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Ameliorated.ConsoleUtils
public static class Extensions
public static bool IsEven(this int number)
return number % 2 == 0;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if number is divisble by a divisor.
/// <param name="divisor">Divisor.</param>
/// <param name="returnFalseOnZeroOrNegative">Indicates whether to return false on numbers that are zero or below. Default is true.</param>
/// </summary>
public static bool IsDivisibleBy(this int number, int divisor, bool returnFalseOnZeroOrNegative = true)
if (returnFalseOnZeroOrNegative && number <= 0) return false;
return number % divisor == 0;
public static int RoundToEven(this double number)
var rounded = (int)Math.Round(number);
if (!rounded.IsEven()) return rounded - 1;
return rounded;
public static int RoundToEven(this int number)
if (!number.IsEven()) return number - 1;
return number;
public static int RoundToOdd(this double number)
if (!((int)Math.Ceiling(number)).IsEven()) return (int)Math.Ceiling(number);
if (!((int)Math.Floor(number)).IsEven()) return (int)Math.Floor(number);
return (int)Math.Truncate(number) - 1;
public static int RoundToOdd(this int number)
if (!number.IsEven()) return number - 1;
return number;
public static string[] SplitByLine(this string text, StringSplitOptions options = StringSplitOptions.None)
return text.Split(new[]
{ "\r\n", "\n" }, options);
public static string LastLine(this string text, StringSplitOptions options = StringSplitOptions.None)
return text.SplitByLine().Last();
public static void ReplaceItem(this List<Menu.MenuItem> list, Menu.MenuItem oldItem, Menu.MenuItem newItem)
var index = list.IndexOf(oldItem);
if (index == -1) throw new ArgumentException("Could not find item index.");
list.Insert(index, newItem);
public static Menu.MenuItem Clone(this Menu.MenuItem item)
return new Menu.MenuItem(item.PrimaryText, item.ReturnValue)
AddBetweenSpace = item.AddBetweenSpace,
IsEnabled = item.IsEnabled,
IsNextButton = item.IsNextButton,
IsPreviousButton = item.IsPreviousButton,
IsStatic = item.IsStatic,
PrimaryTextBackground = item.PrimaryTextBackground,
PrimaryTextForeground = item.PrimaryTextForeground,
SecondaryText = item.SecondaryText,
SecondaryTextBackground = item.SecondaryTextBackground,
SecondaryTextForeground = item.SecondaryTextForeground,
StretchSelection = item.StretchSelection,